Study Finding

Unleashing Your Potential

The power of education to transform lives and help individuals reach their full potential. That’s why we are committed to offering a range of educational opportunities to our employees, whether through on-the-job training, online courses, or tuition reimbursement programs. We strive to create a culture of continuous learning and development, and are dedicated to helping our employees grow and succeed in their careers.

Configure out your work path

Become a Certified Junior Professional in some Days, no Degree needed. You already have a Degree? Then become an international Expert in a few weeks.

Please click on one of the images to choose your program!

Junior certified professional

A person who has the basic skills to start in a local company or project and wants to develop into a professional in the future.

 Certified professional

A person who has improved skills to start in a local company or project and thus immediately contributes his learned knowledge to the company / project.

 Certified International Expert

An expert with extensive knowledge or ability in a given subject, who is ready to work in Companies Worldwide.

Junior certified professional

A person who has the basic skills to start in a local company or project and wants to develop into a professional in the future.

 Certified professional

A person who has improved skills to start in a local company or project and thus immediately contributes his learned knowledge to the company / project.

 Certified International Expert

An expert with extensive knowledge or ability in a given subject, who is ready to work in Companies Worldwide.

Discover Your Perfect Online Course with Artsy Africa's Study Finder Tool

Artsy Africa’s study finder tool offers a wide range of online courses in the arts and allows students to search for courses based on various criteria, including subject matter, duration, and cost, and filter by skill level and schedule. It also provides information about each course, including details about the instructor, course materials, and any prerequisites, making it easy for students to make an informed decision.

Upskill our self with international courses

Our courses at Artsy Africa Academy are designed to qualify you for a national and international professional career. The combination of practice and theory will allow you to acquire a wealth of knowledge that will also help you to realize your business idea. Learn new knowledge and skills in a variety of ways, from engaging video lectures combined with practical experience in international companies and projects.


Become a Certified Junior Professional in some Days, no Degree needed. You already have a Degree? Then become an international Expert in a few weeks

English courses in French

Boost your communication skills

We offer online English courses for French-speaking students. These courses are designed to help students improve their English language skills from the comfort of their own homes or from anywhere with an internet connection. Our experienced and qualified instructors use a variety of teaching methods, including interactive activities and real-life materials, to engage students and help them progress. We offer a range of course levels, from beginner to advanced, to ensure that students can find the right fit for their needs. Our online courses are delivered using a user-friendly platform that allows for real-time communication between instructors and students.

Are you certified as an International Expert? If so, we can connect you with international companies around the world

Are you certified as an International Expert? If so, we can connect you with international companies around the world

Speed up your international career with a German degree from the German online International university and get your 86% Scholarship


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Team Member



Mr. Eddie Kayiira


Project Manager

Mr. Bashir Mwanje


Contact persons NGOs

Artsy Academy Cameroon

Head of Cameroon

Mr. Landry Njike   +237 656 081 034

Mr. Landry Njike 
+237 656 081 034

Artsy Africa Academy Uganda

Head of Uganda

Mr. Duda Baker +256 701 250 548

Mr. Duda Baker
+256 701 250 548

Förderungsnetzwerk Afrika e.V.

Program Manager Germany

Dr. Sigrun Härtl

Mr. Bashir Mwanje
+256 726 073 961


Academy Uganda

Kibuli Central Region

Kampala, Uganda

Academy Cameroon

Mandja, Rue du Festival, Carrefour Gustavo Niat P.O BOX  9365 Baganangte, cameroon

Funding Network

Förderungsnetzwerk Afrika e.V.

Großreuther Straße 128
90425 Nürnberg