+(491) 762-3220-855
+(256) 726-073-961
Kibuli Central Region
Kampala, Uganda
We welcome you to get in touch with us in a way that is most convenient for you. You can reach out to us by phone, send us an email, or visit us in person at one of our offices.We look forward to hearing from you
We welcome you to get in touch with us in a way that is most convenient for you. You can reach
out to us by phone, send us an email, or visit us in person at one of our offices.
We look forward to hearing from you
+(491) 762-3220-855
+(256) 726-073-961
Kibuli Central Region
Kampala, Uganda
+(491) 762-3220-855
+(256) 726-073-961
Kibuli Central Region
Kampala, Uganda
Mr. Eddie Kayiira
Project Manager
Mr. Bashir Mwanje
Artsy Academy Cameroon
Head of Cameroon
Mr. Landry Njike +237 656 081 034
Mr. Landry Njike
+237 656 081 034
Artsy Africa Academy Uganda
Head of Uganda
Mr. Duda Baker +256 701 250 548
Mr. Duda Baker
+256 701 250 548
Förderungsnetzwerk Afrika e.V.
Program Manager Germany
Dr. Sigrun Härtl
Mr. Bashir Mwanje
+256 726 073 961
Academy Uganda
Kibuli Central Region
Kampala, Uganda
Academy Cameroon
Mandja, Rue du Festival, Carrefour Gustavo Niat P.O BOX 9365 Baganangte, cameroon
Funding Network
Förderungsnetzwerk Afrika e.V.
Großreuther Straße 128
90425 Nürnberg